Today is Sunday. February 5, 2012.
Guess what today is??? Super Bowl XLVI!!!!! YEAH!!!! . . . oh ok. I'm not a foot ball fanatic, I don't have a certain team that I wear/represent, but it's fun to watch it. Also, today is cleanse day. Since I've been here in D.C., I found myself going to church more than ever. The last time I went to church back home was 17 years ago. I know right?! I'm such a bad Catholic boy! But I always say to people that even those years that I've missed going, I still keep in touch with Him and pray and always keeping the faith. There are people out there who goes to church every Sunday and yet they commit things that are unspeakable and unholy. Or people who call themselves religious, yet they judge, disrespect, and stereo-type people without being open minded. Religion is not about reading the bible (or Qur'an, scriptures, etc.) every day and knowing all the verses, it's not about asking favors/wishes/material things to whoever you believe, and it's not mostly about trying to fit in to religious holidays (i.e., the entire holy week, fasting, etc.). What makes religion a religion is the fact that you keep a connection, a relationship to whoever/whatever it is you truly believe in, with full genuine commitment. At least that's how I see it. To those who call themselves holy, look in the mirror, think about what you've done lately, and educate yourself.
I apologize for that spinet of rant and for those whom I offended. Sorry. Anyhow, today is mostly recovery day for those people who spent their Saturday night dancing, drinking, grinding, puking, f***ing, or all of the above. If only I was 21, I would probably do the same thing with them. Plus, today is also homework day. EWWW. For most of us, we would do our readings (or try to attempt and not get distracted), write our papers, and eat endlessly. I can't believe that this weekend flew by hella fast! Tomorrow is Monday, ugh, ya'll know how much WE hate that day, but we have to start the week somehow, right?
Lastly, I want to give a shout-out to do those who follow my blog posts and waste about ten minutes or less reading my random thoughts and rants. I thank you all. . .I could probably count in both hands how many of you all are out there reading this post right now. So thank you! <3 <3 <3 Expect to see a poem probably tomorrow or sometime this coming week. Again, I thank YOU! *sings in tune with Bruno Mars' Just the Way you are*: you're amazing, just for reading my blog! LOL. *PANDA HUGS* XD
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