Friday, February 3, 2012

Days of The Week


Today is Friday. February 3, 2012.
I Hate It When. . .

I hate it when I'm in a room full of people talking about something that I don't have any knowledge about and leaving me feeling so left out and excluded.
I hate it when I don't have anything interesting to say, or something to contribute to a group or a discussion since I'm either tired due to lack of sleep, or just feel uninformed. 
I hate it when I don't have a voice; I can't speak; I can't articulate my thoughts.
I hate it when I'm forced to stay silent. 
I hate it when I can't think.
I hate it when I can't see.
I hate it when I can't. 
I hate it when I.
I hate it when.
I hate it.
I hate.

So it's Friday. I just got out of class, I'm  tired, I'm hungry, I'm sleepy, I want to hang out with people, I just don't want to do anything. If plans follow through, I'm hoping to enjoy late night fun with great people. We'll just have to wait and see. Hope ya'll have a wonderful, amazing, blasting, fun, crazy FRIDAY! 


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