Saturday, February 4, 2012

Days of The Week


Today is Saturday. February 4, 2012. 
           Stayed up super late. Woke up super late. Now I'm just starting my day. The weather outside is pretty ugly. The rain makes me even more tired than I already am. Today is just chill. I'm going to National Geographic to volunteer and after that, start to rock the night away with amazing people. I don't know exactly what to expect, but that's part of the fun. 

I was supposed to go to the Newseum with my peeps, but failed to wake up on time; thus, the sleeping-in took over. Last night, I met more amazing people and found myself included in a group. The dynamics are different from the usual peeps that I hang out with. Perhaps the reason why is that most of the people that I hang out here with are in quarter system and the group that I met last night was in the same semester system that I am. What we all know is that we hate all the elitist students who think they run the entire center and that the world revolves around them. Whatever, I'm not going to let that bother me. Imma just continue to be Me and only do Me. Forget them!

It's Saturday and day is almost half-way over. I'm going to enjoy every second of it. Nothing is stopping me for ruling the world. Even this rain ain't scaring me. BRING IT! 


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