Today is Thursday. February 2, 2012.
I'm currently at work. I have my tea steeping on my left side, my folder, notepad, pen, Takis, granola bar on my right, and I'm ready to work today. I got a full night sleep last night. Woke up feeling better than yesterday, still a little sleepy, but managed to get to work on time. Today is also our staff meeting day. Every Thursday all of us gather in one big table and talk about three things we did last week, three things we're planning on doing this week/next week, and three things we need help on. Usually there's like a bonus fun question that we have to answer after we talk about our three things like, what's your favorite 90's movie(s)? Favorite book? etc. Something that's random and fun.
I got a feeling that today is going to be a good day! Even though it's raining outside.. like a light to mid light showers--not like heavy-drenchy-WET kind of rain--the sunshine peaks in once in a while and tease us, but that's ok. Sun likes being kinky when rain is making us all wet. LOL. Anywhooo~
I have homework to do after work. Nothing difficult, just a bunch of readings and one paragraph paper. I'm just happy that today is Thursday. . . Coz we all know the tomorrow is Friday! Even though I have class tomorrow, it's good that it's not a night class. But that's all I have for tomorrow. So when I have a free day, I always set an agenda for myself to be productive and do homework but it always fails to follow through. That's why I have to set realistic goals, and not plan on doing big things when all I have in mind is the thought of sleeping in. Don't ya'll hate when that happens? I surely hate it when people make plans with you and decides to change it the day when it was supposed to be on, it just irks me! Of course I don't react in such a negative way in front of them; I usually just smile and say that 'it's O.K.' when in actuality on the inside I'm saying, 'F***** U, U stupid B***!!!!! STOP WASTING MY TIME!'. So please, if you're one of those people, or know someone like that, or even experienced that in the past, don't let it happen again and avoid making plans that you know will never happen. I understand if something unexpected happens and you're really genuine about following through with the plan(s), that's an exception I'll let slide by coz that always happens to me and we don't have the ability to see the future; therefore, that excuse is valid.
Speaking of plans, what are your plans for today, tomorrow, and for the weekend? No matter what, don't forget to always smile and stay positive. Good vibrations always equates to good karma; remember that.
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