Thursday, January 12, 2012

Words Unspoken

Praying To Stay
written by: Jesson Rata

A blank canvas I see in front of me
Thinking of things to paint on thee
As I prepare the paints, the brushes, the can full of water
I remember the necklace, the watch, the ring that I order
For who you ask? No, not for her
Days and nights have already passed, why do I even bother?

With the brush in my hand I stroke
Painting the blank canvas with colors that spoke--
Of memories and fantasies all dreaming of hope
All of it vanished, evaporated, the story ended once I awoke

Is this really happening? The time stood still
A pause for a moment where everything's occurring for real
A glimpse of something, for years of yearning
Amazed by the revelation of new beginning 

The clock strikes, back to reality once again
Realizing that in this chair, restricted, I remain
I know I'm not insane, sometimes it's hard to explain
This is slowly killing me, accumulated pain I complain

That is it. I'm done. Nothing more I can take
I want to go back to sleep, I'm tired of this world of fake
As I count sheep, preparing to blast away
I can't seem to remember what I did today 

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