What's funny is that people can really tell that we're from Cali because apparently, we have 'accents.' Really?! I didn't know we have one; that struck me the most, then again Washingtonians also have accents. And this was apparent in the students I work with at work. Speaking of work, my internship is awesome: Awesome non-profit organization, Awesome co-workers, Awesome for being Awesome, it's just Awesome. Being here also made me realize how clumsy I am for having a really bad condition of quickly losing things I hold in my hand. I cannot 'handle' and organize things when my hands are literally full that I ignore the fact that I'm dropping my right glove, ipod shuffle--both are now gone-- and my phone! Oh I wish my housemate from Merced would mail me my phone cover that took a lifetime to be shipped in. *Sigh*. Other than my series of unfortunate events, I'm really glad that I decided to do the program. Through this, I was able to make new friends, consider the fact that I'm really broke, that I miss my car, that I miss Mexican food, and that I have acid reflex.
Talk about mixed emotions. Nonetheless, it's only been exactly a month and I feel like I still have a lot to learn and explore. I have to remind myself everyday that I am in the Capital City, that I'm fortunate being here, that life is not easy--it get's real,-- and that I should soak-in every second of this experience and appreciate it as much as possible. The only thing that I'm having a hard time juggling at the moment are the three classes I have to take plus, toss-in my internship. Now I'm wishing I have extra arms. Not really. That would be super freaky and awkward. Not stylish at all.
Ultimately, I'm ready to tackle the coming snow storm, the endless nights of losing sleep from studying/writing papers, and spending quality time with amazing people. I have a long way to go till I reach the core of that ginormous onion. Each and every day, I feel like I'm peeling one layer and it's only the paper-like-outer part of it. In the meantime, I need to stay awake and get the grind going. *toast* Here's for more days ahead.
P.S.- I really miss dancing and jamming with peeps. I now turn to writing as my outlet to keep me sane.
source: http://www.dcphototour.com/WashingtonDCFourSeasonsPhotoTour/slides/washington%20Monument%20snow%202007_1.shtml |
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