Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Morning Rush

#FAIL! So I woke up on time today. Stupid me decided to go back to bed and sneak-in more sleep since I thought that I have time to spare. Drifting to dreamland, I was living an exciting life: going to parties, eating in fancy restaurants, bargain shopping, etc. Then I realized, 'I have to go to work! F**** I'm going to be late!!!' To add even more to my morning trial, housekeeping came in and was cleaning our bathroom. In that moment, I know that I had to improvise and turn to my roommate's bottled water to scrub my face with my shirt that I just drooled in during my 'excavations'. So there I was, looking like crap. The time was 9:50 and managed to head out and text my Supervisor that I was going to be 30 minutes late. The worst part, is walking to work knowing that people are looking at me and judging how I looked. . . which made me stare to the ground even more. After that, I didn't give a f****. They can look and judge my sh**y face, it's totally fine. TOTALLY FINE. 

I finally reached my work place and was only 15 minutes late. The first thing I did was head to the bathroom and tried fixing my face (scrubbing my face with a wet paper towel) and tried making my hair manageable. So now here I am. I feel like crap, I'm freaking starving, I need to wake up, and my face still looks like sh**! 

Let's just hope that today will be a good day. *Breathing in. . .  and out.* That part is done and over, I just need to think positive and move on. Woo, thank God I'm only working till 4pm, but I have class at 6pm. Let my day, commence. 

source: http://www.colourbox.com/media/3027840

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