Another ordinary day; back at work, doing the usual. It is ordinary in a way that it's not. Two of the interns that I started my journey here at 826DC left because their Winter quarter just ended. The vibe here at work is different now. It's not the same without my fellow UC interns. My Spring Break wasn't even much a 'break.' Even though I didn't do anything productive that I planned on doing, it still didn't feel like a break. I spent the first half, just chilling, sleeping in, doing nothing. The other half, I spent in NYC for a day just to explore; the rest, I spent with quarter students since it was their last week here in D.C.
I've said this many times before: I hate saying 'good-bye' to people I've grown close to. The relationships that blossomed into friendships matched the timing of the cherry blossoms exploding their natural beauty that only last for a certain amount of time; After that, all the petals fall and the life cycle of the tree begins again. Much like the experience I had with the Winter quarter students, it was only temporary that I'd hope for their time here to last till the last day of my term. Unfortunately, it doesn't work that way. I keep telling myself that I will see them soon. We all came from the same state anyway, so I'd just travel all over California and visit them. Road trip! LOL. *sigh* When the new batch of quarter students come in, it's not going to be the same. The vibe is going to be different, my neighbors are going to be different, the noise, the awkward moments in the elevator, the bumping into people, all are going to change. I guess, I'll have to start a new chapter. Change is good right?
As the weather begins to warm-up, I'm excited to soak up the sun for once. I feel like the winter here was unbearable even though it didn't snow as much as I anticipated it would be. I guess, climate change is part of the reason. All I know is that the world is changing. It's changing everyday. And I'm just too stubborn to MOVE ON.
I start this new week with not enough sleep, with a fifteen minute presentation due tomorrow--which I haven't started on,-- and four papers that are waiting in line for me to write that will be due in April. This remaining month and some odd days or so, will require full focus and not enough time to play around. Not to mention applying for jobs that I have to start doing soon. I don't want to graduate and not do something after, that would be bogus right? Right.
Today is Monday. March 19, 2012. A new day. A new beginning. I NEED COFFEE TO WAKE ME UP!!!!!!!!!!!! XD
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