Friday, May 11, 2012

Life lesson #___!

Second chances. We all fall. We spend time being upset about what we did and would wish for time to turn back and undo our mistake(s). Unfortunately, as much as we fantasize for some mad scientist to invent a time machine, we fixate ourselves in the present psyching ourselves out and lose sleep just thinking about the scenario, playing it over and over again. .  .  . Well get over it! STOP wasting your time burning woods that was already been burnt out. Focus on what you have to do and motivate yourself. It's a life trial that tests our emotional endurance. Resilience is key. Adaptation is required. Like John Legend says, we're just ordinary people, we don't know which way to go. Take it slow- oh- oh -oh -oh- JUST TAKE IT SLOW! Ultimately, just take that second chance and never look back. Remember, you're not a time traveler. Life is what we make out of it, it's not the end of the world. . .  yet. LOL.

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