Monday, April 16, 2012


Today is April 16th 2012. 

I didn't do much today. I enjoyed sleeping in for a bit since I'm officially done with my internship. I spent my afternoon watching youtube videos and not giving crap about deadlines I have to meet. I was also excited to spend the rest of my Monday with a really good co-worker of mine. Let's just name her Anna-Claire (AC for short). She's the BEST! The most funniest, amazing, outrageous, sassy person I have ever met here in DC through my internship experience. Her vibe was just one-of-a-kind. She's not fake and she's not afraid to say it how it is, with a certain quirky flair of hers. With that, I am very thankful that through this experience, I was able to meet amazing, real people that will forever be part of my life. They've contributed so much into making this experience worth while. For that, I want to thank them for everything. As I keep mentioning before, this is a very bittersweet moment. In one hand, it's going to be really sad to not see the people I have grown close with on a daily basis, and on the other hand, I really miss home and I can't wait to go back and see my family and friends. This is in turn, giving me the motivation to push harder than ever, like a mother trying to push her ten pound baby out of her. Now that's a push. Push like that movie Precious: based on a novel Push by Sapphire. (AC, aren't you proud I managed to insert this inside joke?!) LOL! Awesome. 

Through the ACDC program, I was able to really enjoy my internship. I couldn't have imagine surviving a day without getting a daily dose of AC. Yup. She's that amazing. And of course, my other coworkers were also amazing. They really made my experience at 826DC a fun one. 

Obviously, this blog post is dedicated to the one and only Ann-Claire. I can't wait to go in Thursday for tutoring (my official last day... yeah.. I figured that I could come in on Thursday and milk my time there... and see what AC has prepared for me. She mentioned that she's going to give me two things. LOL. I'm definitely excited for that. UGH. Which reminds me that I have to write my supervisor, my boss, and my coworkers, thank you letters. Maybe when I get inspired to write them, I will, but for now, I'm just worried about my papers. Yes, the four papers I have to write by the end of this week. I mean, I've started in some of them, but I have yet to finish all. 

Hhhhmm.. it's going to be one hell of week. By Saturday, I will be able to finally be done with Undergraduate studies and be able to really hustle and grind what I have to do after: to work of course. Hopefully, I will be able to get a paying job. Isn't that what we all are striving for? Yep. You just gotta keep that mentality and never stop dreaming. We'll just have to see where this road will take us. You never know. That's why I like to keep my doors open to anything, coz you never know who's going to be knocking. Life if unpredictable and too grate to not do anything while living. Anything is possible and I know that this sounds very cheesy.. but... it's TRUE! I'm sorry for that one person who is following this blog that they are not getting any quality writing, worth actually reading. I just have little stories that I tell with no fancy movie/book references or creative metaphors to match unlike how blogs are supposed to be written in order to keep the followers enticed. I also apologize for the fact that I'm lagging on posting more poems. I just don't get that inspired anymore. LOL. It will come back to me someday. I swear, it will. This college bizznitzz is driving me crazy. Till then follower, yes YOU! TTYL! XD 


Tuesday, April 3, 2012


Today is Tuesday. ugh.. APRIL 3RD!!!!!! It's freaking April. Which means, I only have three weeks left here in D.C. Which also means... a ton of shit is due before heading back home to Cali. I try my best, every single day, to now gush my eyes out and not pull all my hair out. Trust me, it's difficult to control my self from doing so. AAAHH.. I also need to find time to go and check out the Smithsonian Museums... maybe I'll do that over the weekend or so.. we'll see.. plus, I have to take lots of pictures and soak in every moment I have left here in D.C. It's weird that I've grown the liking to this city and know my way around it. But it's also hard for me to just chill because I seriously cannot waste any time; I have to work on my papers... another challenging task when I don't get enough sleep everyday... when I'm not working, I have class to attend... it's all waaaay too much... not to mention, all the things that I have to take care of when I get back to Cali... graduation shitz, moving out shitz, just a bunch of shitz. But enough of that.. let's talk about something else...

Let's talk about people...people in general.  Sometimes, I like to just sit at random places around town... like in Dupont Circle and just observe people. It amazes me how you can immediately tell what a person is like by how they walk, talk, interact, their mannerism, and how they also observe. You get to know them well enough when you share conversations with them. You consciously judge them (both in a good and bad way). It's interesting how we're all the same, yet, people discriminate, hate, segregate, and eliminate themselves out of society. People and their behavior are what makes observing them entertaining. Have you thought about your own actions and what it says about you and who you are?

*sigh* I guess it's time for me to get back into working. Ugh.. I want some chicken right about now. I just saw a little baby earlier and I feel like I could just eat an entire baby right now, pour hot sauce all over that puppy and season it with garlic salt... mmm.. tasty; that's how hungry I am.  Oh and I'll that to go please. Thank you.